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What we currently observe as gamma radiation from nuclear events in stars is something like 10 to 100 exahertz. That's about the upper frequency limit of the electromagnetic radiation we know of, and it will have the shortest wavelength (something at or under 30 nano millimeters). It isn't a stretch to imagine frequencies higher than that, but what is it that can generate electromagnetic oscillations in that range?

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Radio waves have the lowest frequency, Gamma rays have the smallest wave-length.

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Q: Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the greatest frequency and lowest wavelength?
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What part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest frequency?

If by greatest frequency you mean highest frequency, we know that the upper end of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest frequency. This is the home to the gamma rays. They have the highest frequency, shortest wavelength, and the greatest energy.

What waves carry more energy than other waves if the amplitudes of waves are equal?

In general, higher frequency waves carry more energy than waves of lower frequency if their amplitudes are equal. This is absolutely true of electromagnetic waves, and can probably be most easily demonstrated there.

What factors in an atmosphere seem to have the greatest effect on the amount of radiation received from the sun?

The ozone layer has the greatest effect on the amount of ultraviolet radiation received at the earth's surface from the Sun. Cloud formation and atmospheric thickness, in combination with solar angle, have the greatest effect on the amount of visible and infrared radiation received at the earth's surface from the sun

When you stretch out a spring at what point would you have the greatest potential energy?

A spring has maximum potential energy at maximum displacement from equilibrium. This means that the greatest potential energy will occur when a spring is stretched as far as it will stretch or compressed as tightly as it will compress. In an oscillating system, where an object attached to a spring is moving back and forth at a given frequency, the object will oscillate about the equilibrium point, and the potential energy of the system will be greatest (and equal) when the object is farthest from equilibrium on either side.

How do you use the word greatest in a sentence?

That was the greatest thing I've ever seen. His was the greatest act of sacrifice anyone had heard of.

Related questions

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest frequency?

If by greatest frequency you mean highest frequency, we know that the upper end of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest frequency. This is the home to the gamma rays. They have the highest frequency, shortest wavelength, and the greatest energy.

What wave has the greatest freaquency?

Gamma rays have the greatest frequency among the electromagnetic waves. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Which has the greatest frequency out of radio wave microwave infrared wave visible light ultraviolet light x ray gamma ray?

X-rays have the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Does a high- frequency wave have short wavelength?

Yes, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy. Gamma waves have the shortest wavelengths of all the electromagnetic radiation waves and carry the greatest energy. Radio and TV waves have the longest wavelengths and carry the least energy.

What size wavelength carries the greatest amount of energy on earth?

Short-wavelength radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays, carry the greatest amount of energy on Earth. These wavelengths have higher frequency and shorter wavelengths compared to longer-wavelength radiation like visible light or radio waves.

What type of electromagnitic waves has the greatest energy of photon?

Gamma rays have the greatest energy of photons among all electromagnetic waves. They are the most energetic and have the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum carries the greatest amount of energy?

The shortest wavelengths have the most energy because it has the highest frequency. A high energy light will have a shorter wavelength than a low energy light. If the wavelength goes down, then the frequency goes up. When calculating energy in the equation, E=hv, frequency (v) is the variable, not the wavelength. So in the equation, if you wanted a more energy (E), you would have the frequency be large. For the frequency to be big, then the wavelength has to be low.

What has the greatest period in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Radio waves have the greatest period in the electromagnetic spectrum, which means they have the longest wavelength. This makes radio waves ideal for long-distance communication as they can travel far distances and penetrate obstacles like buildings and mountains effectively.

If the waves are going by at the same frequency the wave that has the greatest speed will have the greatest?

The wave with the greatest speed will have the greatest wavelength. This relationship is governed by the wave equation: speed = frequency x wavelength. Therefore, if two waves have the same frequency and the speed is greater in one wave, then its wavelength will be greater as well.

Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest period?

the electromagnetic spectrum with the smallest frequency will have the greatest period.In conclusion, because Radio Waves have the lowest frequency they therefore have the greatest period.

What does roy g biv look like?

like the colors of the rainbow. violet has the least wavelength or the greatest frequency possible that humans can see and marks one end of the visible spectrum in the electromagnetic spectrum. red has the highest wavelength or least frequency possible that humans can see and marks the other end of the visible spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum.

If two transverse waves have the same wavelength the wave with the has the greatest wave speed.?

The wave with the greatest frequency will have the greatest wave speed. Wave speed is determined by multiplying wavelength by frequency. If two waves have the same wavelength but different frequencies, the one with the higher frequency will have the higher wave speed.