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Q: Which type of engineer develops products such as fertilizer pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materiel like plastic and nylon?
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Which type of engineer develops products such as fertilizer pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastics and nylon?

Chemical Engineer

Which type of engineering develops products such as fertilizer pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastic and nylon?

Chemical Engineer

Which type of engineer develops products such as fertilizer pesticide cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastics and nylon?

Chemical Engineer

Which type of engineers develops products such as fertilizers pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastics and nylon?

chemical engineerchemical engineer

Which type of engineer develops products such as fertilizers pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastics and nylon?

chemical engineerchemical engineer

What type of engineering develops products such as fertilizers pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastics and nylon?

The products you have mentioned were developed using chemical engineering.

What type of engineer develops products like fertilizers pesticides cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastics and nylon?

The products you have mentioned were developed using chemical engineering.

What type of engineer develops products such as fertilizers cosmetics and synthetic materials like plastic and nylon?

The products you have mentioned were developed using chemical engineering.

Who develops alternatives to pesticides - less harmful pesticides?

Chemical companies. And they just say that they are less harmful - they said the original chemicals were OK and sold them to you and now you know they did you harm. Fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on me. Are you going to be fooled twice?

Who develops alternative less harmful pesticides?

There really are not less harmful pesticides. They are all harmful. However, vinegar is supposed to keep some pests away. There are also companies that are working on genetically modifying plants to keep bugs away or make them immune from diseases.

Do compost and fertilizer do the same thing when planting red robin plants?

Yes, compost and fertilizer do the same thing when planting red robin plants. The woody plants in question (Photinia fraseri) benefit from humus-rich, well-drained soils, both of which dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost sustains. It also develops nicely with the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer.

Are fertilizers expensive?

Organic, slow-release fertilizers tend to be more expensive than the better known, more widely sold commercial, conventional, synthetic fertilizers. But its price may go down as demand increases, and as it develops a longer track record. The least expensive fertilizer is compost, which is free. It may be time-consuming, for compostable material breaks down into compost in 21 days to a year, depending how often or infrequently it's turned.