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While it is true that some teenagers do not like to eat fruit and vegetables, there are also many who do like these foods. Teens who do not like them may be used to eating greasy, high fat foods. As they get older and learn more about healthy eating, they may learn to like fruits and vegetables.

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14y ago

This question is stereotypical - Sure, some teenagers don't eat fruit and veg, but most do, and are extremely healthy. The percentage of teenagers that DON'T eat fruit and veg might just not like the taste - simple as that. We can't controll our taste buds, and You have the right to be able to chose what you want to eat, and what you don't.

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12y ago

No one should really eat one category of food, but for teenagers it is crucial to get all the essencial foods to grow up healthy and strong, because this is the period in life that puberty ranges in and the time of growth in humans.

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12y ago

foods we don't like bc we don't like them

thank you

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12y ago

teenagers should avoid eating junk food because its bad for the health

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Is that true you have to give clues in hangman games?

I never thought that... But it would be nice just to give a category like food, animal or place.

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A potato well obviously a vegetable because you know it just falls in with he rest of he food so next time you remember next time you need to know cone here or just remember