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A recessive gene or gene combination can be present in a generation without affecting the phenotype if it is masked by a dominant gene. This means that the trait associated with the recessive gene will only be expressed if an individual inherits two copies of the recessive gene.

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Q: Which type of gene or gene combination can be present in a generation without affecting phenotype?
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What phenotypes are present in F1 generation?

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No. Genotype is the combination of genes present in an organism. It consists of alleles whose visible characteristics is called phenotype. An organism's phenotype is visible and not the genotype as you just can't see a person and tell what kind of genes are present in the organism.

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you mean phenotype, and its dominant alleles

Which is the FALSE statement a Phenotype determines genotype b Combination of alleles are known as genotype c A gamete will only receive one allele or another from a pair?

The FALSE statement is "A phenotype determines genotype." In reality, it is the genotype that determines the phenotype, as the genetic information (allele combinations) present in an individual's DNA influences their observable traits.

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When genes are expressed, the result is called phenotype. What is actually in all the genes (some are recessive) is called the genotype.

What is the phenotype that is present in most individuals in nature?

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What phenotype is produced by AB genotype?

The genotype AA represents a homozygous dominant genotype. The capital letter "A" represents the dominant allele, while the lowercase letter "a" would represent the recessive allele. If both dominant alleles are present in a genotype (homozygous dominant) then the phenotype is "A" phenotype. If one dominant allele and one recessive allele are present (heterozygous dominant) then the phenotype is "A". Finally, if both recessive alleles "a" are present (homozygous recessive) then the phenotype is "a". Therefore, the answer to your question is the genotype AA would result in an "A" phenotype because the genotype is homozygous dominant.

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What is a phenotype on a punnet square?

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