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hydrogen bond :)

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In acetic acid, the most important intermolecular force is hydrogen bonding. This is because acetic acid molecules contain a hydrogen bonded to an electronegative oxygen atom, creating strong hydrogen bonds between neighboring molecules.

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Q: Which type of intermolecular force is the most important in acetic acid?
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What type of intermolecular force of attracion is present in citric acid?

Citric acid exhibits hydrogen bonding as its primary intermolecular force of attraction due to the presence of multiple hydroxyl groups capable of forming hydrogen bonds with neighboring molecules. Additionally, citric acid may also experience dipole-dipole interactions between its polar groups.

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Why does vinegar decrease surface tension?

Vinegar is basically acetic acid (polar) attached to an "extra" carbon (non polar). The acetic acid component interacts favorably with water, while the methyl group does not, thus weakening the intermolecular forces.

Is acetic acid anything like acetic acid?

Yes, acetic acid and acetic acid are the same compound. Acetic acid is a colorless liquid organic compound also known as ethanoic acid, and its common name is vinegar when diluted in water.

What acid is in the vinegar?

Vinegar contains about 5–20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), water and flavourings.

Is Acetic acid is strong acid or base?

Acetic acid is a weak acid. It is a carboxylic acid that dissociates partially in solution to release hydrogen ions.

What is the colour of glacial acetic acid?

Pure glacial acetic acid appears colorless. However, it may sometimes appear slightly yellowish due to impurities or exposure to light.

Is acetic acid a mixture or a compound?

Acetic acid is a compound. It consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms chemically combined in a specific ratio (C2H4O2). It is not a mixture of different substances.

What are Carbonic acid acetic acid and phosphoric acid?

Carbonic acid is a weak acid formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water. Acetic acid is a weak organic acid found in vinegar. Phosphoric acid is a mineral acid commonly used in soft drinks to provide a tangy flavor.

What is the word form for acetic acid?

Acetic and acid ARE words, so the word form is acetic acid!

Why is acetic acid in cigarettes?

Acetic acid is in just about everything that is or was alive. It's a very common compound that occurs as a result of a number of important biochemical pathways.

Does vinger have Acetic Acid?

Yes, vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid is a key component of vinegar and is responsible for its sour taste and strong odor.