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Whales and cacti would be examples for your question.

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Q: Which type of living thing is least plentiful in the marsh community?
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Related questions

What are three abiotic parts of a marsh community?

Three abiotic parts of a marsh community would be water, climate, stones, and soil. These all effect the living organisms in the marsh community.

What is a marsh community?

a medow :)

Is a wetland marsh a community?


What has the author Thomas A Marsh written?

Thomas A. Marsh has written: 'Gift of Community Baptism and Confirmation'

What are the four secondary consumers in the salt marsh?

name four secondary consumers in the salt marsh community

Some living things in a marsh?

animals like dragonflies, marsh flies, cat tails,

What are three biotic parts of a marsh community?

Plants such as cattails, sedges, and bullrushes that provide habitat for various organisms. Insects like mosquitoes, dragonflies, and beetles that feed on marsh plants and are prey for larger animals. Birds including herons, ducks, and marsh wrens that rely on the marsh for nesting, feeding, and shelter.

What has the author Karigoudar Ishwaran written?

Karigoudar Ishwaran has written: 'Family, kinship and community' -- subject(s): Dutch in Canada, Holland Marsh, Ont, Ont Holland Marsh, Social conditions

What are the non living things in salt marsh?

rocks soil air water light temperature

What abiotic factors do organisms living in rivers and streams have to adapt to?

Organisms in rivers and streams have to adapt to factors such as water flow, temperature fluctuations, dissolved oxygen levels, and sediment composition. These abiotic factors can vary greatly along the length of a river, presenting challenges for the organisms living there. Adaptations can include streamlined shapes for efficient swimming, tolerance to varying oxygen levels, and specialized feeding strategies to exploit different sediment types.

What abiotic factors do organism living in rivers and streams have to adapt to?

The swamp has trees and the marsh has plants such as grasses

What are three examples of the biotic parts of a marsh community?

Plants, such as cattails and marsh grasses, are an important biotic component in a marsh community, providing habitat and food for other organisms. Insects like dragonflies and mosquitoes are biotic parts of a marsh community, playing roles in pollination and serving as a food source for other animals. Birds, such as herons and ducks, are another biotic component in a marsh community, utilizing the habitat for nesting, feeding, and resting.