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Alzheimer's disease typically affect short term memory first.

One can not remember what was for dinner even only 10 minutes afterwards.

Memory as in ones childhood stay for a long time.

Language can be affected as one forget words or even the meaning of words.

Images associated with use of items or relationships there of can vanish. (some people can look at a toilet and do not remember/know what it is for. they can search for a place to actually go for a wee or a poo and not find it because they do not know the function of a toilet anymore.)

Memory as in how to use ones body is seldom lost.

Childhood memories is often coming to life in late stages of Alzheimer's.

Most retain their language or at least most of it.

It is however a disease that gives few guarantees as in how it develops. It is individual from person to person, a cause for this might be because different people use their brain slightly different.

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8y ago

The type of long term memory that most like would not be affected by any dementia would be implicit memory. It uses past experiences to remember things without thinking about them. There are many examples: brushing your teeth, riding a bike, singing the ABCs, zipping your pants, walking, combing your hair, taking a shower or eating.

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Procedural (non-declarative) long-term memory

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It's pretty amazing, but there's actually good evidence that caffeine could indeed reduce the symptoms. Here's an article on that:

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Dementia is a term applied to a set of symptoms that negatively affect memory, but Alzheimer's is a progressive disease of the brain that causes gradual loss of memory and cognitive function. The exact cause is unknown and no treatment is available.

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one does die of alzheimers disease, if they are taken good care of, they wont die of anything else memory related. once alzheimers disease progresses to the autonomic nervous system(involuntary)the one that controls breathing,heartrate,vasoconstriction and dialation, it kills you. it does directly kill you eventually, it will stop your heart or lungs. most people arent taken care of enough to let them get to that stage. and they do die of a self inflicted injury(falls,hyperglycemia,pneumonia etc.)

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an auctioner, or you can just learn to have longterm memory, lots of jobs require that! ;)

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