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You could use plastic, rubber, wood and several other things/ Plastic and rubber are much preferred, though.

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Q: Which type of material would be useful in producing an insulator?
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Leather wood and water are example of insulators?

An insulator is a material that does not respond to an electric field and resists the flow of electric charge. The answer is false. Water is a highly conductive material and would not resist electricity at all.

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This would likely be an "insulator" as opposed to a conductor.

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No material exists that doesn't conduct electrical charges at all. We call materials that conduct electrical charges poorly insulators; a material that didn't conduct electricity at all would be a perfect insulator.

Material that does not allow an electric charge to pass through it easily?

That would be an insulator. A few examples include paper, glass or Teflon.

An example of a insulator?

An insulator has several different meanings. The two most common are an electrical insulator and a thermal insulator. an electrical insulator would be polyethylene. a thermal insulator would be wool.

What would make good electrical insulator?

An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow freely. Rubber, glass, paper, and Teflon, which have high resistivity, are very good electrical insulators.

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an insulator