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Related questions

When was When the Trees Were Tall created?

When the Trees Were Tall was created in 1961.

What is the duration of When the Trees Were Tall?

The duration of When the Trees Were Tall is 1.58 hours.

How tall do the trees grow in the Amazon rainforest?

Trees in the Amazon rainforest can grow to be over 200 feet tall, with some emergent species reaching up to 300 feet or more. The dense canopy allows for plants to grow tall to compete for sunlight, resulting in a diverse and stratified forest structure.

Why do tall trees need long rootes?

Tall Trees need to be have long roots because the xylem and the phloem of the tall trees is long and heavy. Also All trees use roots for gathering nutrients from the ground. In the woods tree roots can be much longer than the width of its canopy. Trees also rely on the roots to support the trees enormous weight of the structure above the ground. They anchor the tree firmly in the soil to hopefully withstand all that nature can throw at it including wet soil and high winds.

What is an interesting fact about the tropical rain forest?

it supports its sorrounding enviorment

Is tesco a tall or flat organaisational structure?

tesco is a tall structure

On the playground they’re worse there are some tall trees and 10 short trees there are seven teen trees total how many trees are tall?

How can you answer this stuff

What is alliteration sentence for trees?

Tall, towering, trembling trees tossed in the tempest.

Which is correct try saying three tall trees or try to say three tall trees?

"Try saying three tall trees" is correct.

What are Similes for tall trees?

The tall trees in the forest stood like giants reaching for the sky. The tall trees swayed in the breeze like towering monuments of nature. The tall trees loomed over the landscape like skyscrapers in a bustling city. The tall trees stretched towards the heavens like graceful ballerinas in a grand ballet.

How tall is Martin Trees?

Martin Trees is 6'.

What trees do black birds like?

tall trees