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Free Bird The MovieThis Is Spinal TapThe Last WaltzCream Farewell ConcertMidnight Special SeriesLucinda Williams Austin City Limits (she's eclectic, but does do some rock)I might be liaevng some out because I'm not home to look. I have lots on tape, too.I'd like to get that Pink Floyd Pulse concert I saw on PBS.I appreciate their music more after seeing it performed live.

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11y ago
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14y ago

they tighten forcing the food to go down kinda like your bowls

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9y ago

Smooth Muscleshelpmove the food down your esophagus when you eat.

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Q: Which type of muscle helps move the food down the esophagus?
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What forces food into pharynx so that it can glide easily down esophagus?

A number of things are involved in moving food into the pharynx so goes down into the esophagus. The tube is lubricated with mucus, the tongue helps push the food further and the smooth muscle lining the tract also pushes the food down.

How does the esophagus help move food through the digestive system?

peristalsis is a muscle that helps food to get through the oesphagus

What muscle brings the food down to esophagus?

That would be the upper and lower esophogeal sphincters.

What helps push food down the back of your mouth?

That would be the esophagus.

What is peristaltic movement and how does it function in the esophagus?

The peristaltic movements are muscle contractions and its function on the esophagus is to push food down into the stomach and prevent it from going back into the esophagus.

What is the function of osephagus?

the ESOPHAGUS is a tube in the throat which food goes down when you swallow. (swallowing is mostly involuntary because the esophagus is made of smooth muscle, a type of muscle that works without control of the brain.) The food goes down into the stomach. On the top half of the esophagus is a sphincter, as well as on the bottom half. they help close off the esophagus.

What is the muscle action that pushes food down the esophagus and through the intestines called?

It is called deglutition.

How does help juices in deigestion?

It push your food down the esophagus when it get suck down your throat it helps go down.

What happens to food when it goes down the esophagus?

the food is then forced down the esophagus.

What are the Similarities and Differences between stomach and esophagus?

Both have food that passes through it. The esophagus is a long narrow tube that pushes down food to the stomach. The stomach is a muscle covered sac that continuously churns food

What squeezes food down to stomach?

Your esophagus moves it so even when you eat upside down it will still go to your stomach. The series of muscle relaxations (infront of the bolus) and contractions (behind the bolus) that moved food down the esophagus is called peristalsis.

What is a muscular tube that squeezes food down to the stomach?

The esophagus is a tube made of smooth muscle. It carries food from throat to stomach. The muscular movements of peristalsis moves the food downward, as well as by gravity. However, you can be upside down and food will still get to the stomach.