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There is only one type of ozone layer. It protects us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

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Q: Which type of ozone layer helps block radiation energy?
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What is the layer of atmosphere that helps block the uyltraviolet radiation rays?

Ozone layer protects us from UV rays. It is present as the ozone layer.

What will block gamma radiation?

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What the importance of the ozone layer?

Ozone layer is the layer absorbing UV-B radiations. This UV radiation can cause skin cancer and DNA alteration. Thus, this is a layer which cannot be avoided.Ozone layer absorbs around 97% of the total radiation received from sun. Because it helps to block radiation earth is much cooler and habitable. Without ozone layer, humans would not have survived.

In what layer of the sun is energy produced?

The layer of the sun's interior where energy is transfered mainly by electromagnetic radiation is the radiation zone. The light and heat produced by the sun's core first pass through the middle layer of the sun's interior, the radiation zone. The radiation zone is a region of very tightly packed gas where energy is transferred mainly in the form of electromagnetic radiation

What layer of gas in the the troposphere protects the earth from high-energy UV radiation?

The ozone layer

What is the layer that helps block the sun's harmful ulraviolet rays?

The Ozone layer also the Stratosphere.

What is the layer of through which energy is transferred away from the core by radiation?

The Radiative Zone.

What is the layer of the sun is which energy is transferred away from the core by radiation?

The Radiative Zone.

What is the layer of the sun through which energy is transferred from the core by radiation?

The Radiative Zone.

How does the absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer help sustain life-?

The absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer help to sustain life because it helps to protect living things from damage of solar radiation.

What gas blocks the ozone layer that absorbs ultraviolet radiation?

The CFC's block the ozone layer by destroying it. The destruction is caused by the reaction of gases with ozone.

How does the depletion of the ozone layer influences the transmission of solar energy?

The depletion of the ozone layer decreases the absorption of ultraviolet radiation.