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Old rivers are characterized by flat floodplains.

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Q: Which type of river is characterized by flat floodplains?
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Which type of river is characterized by floodplains?

its i dont know ask your teacher

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It depends on your point of view. Type 1 schizophrenia is characterized by positive symptoms, including delusions and hallucinations. Type 2 schizophrenia is characterized by negative symptoms, including flat affect and social withdrawal. Each can cause great difficulties in everyday life.

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Florida is a peninsula, which is a landmass surrounded by water on three sides. It is mostly flat and characterized by its coastal regions and numerous lakes and wetlands.

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A v-shaped valley eroded by a river is called a river valley. This type of valley is characterized by steep sides and a narrow bottom, formed by the erosive action of the river over time.

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A flat bottomed boat is best, as the river, lake or pond may be shallow in places. A punt, propelled by a pole, is one such flat bottomed water craft.

A flat grassy plain is a pr?

A flat grassy plain is a prairie. It is a type of ecosystem characterized by wide, open spaces with little to no trees. Prairies are often found in regions with moderate rainfall and are known for their rich soil and diverse grassland vegetation.

Is flat land a landform?

Yes, flat land is a type of landform characterized by a lack of significant changes in elevation. It is typically found in areas such as plains, plateaus, and valleys.

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A salt flat or salt pan is the type of desert that results from the evaporation of soil moisture, leaving behind chemical salts on the surface. These areas are characterized by a crust of salt or mineral deposits due to the high levels of evaporation in arid climates.