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Q: Which type of rocks form when lava cools after a volcanic eruption?
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When igneous rock from volcanic eruption cool what does it form?

When igneous rocks from a volcanic eruption cools it forms Crystalline Rocks.

When igneous rocks from a volcanic eruption cools what does it form?

When igneous rocks from a volcanic eruption cool, they can form either intrusive or extrusive rocks. Intrusive igneous rocks form when magma cools slowly beneath the Earth's surface, resulting in larger mineral grains. Examples include granite and diorite. Extrusive igneous rocks form when lava cools quickly on the Earth's surface, resulting in smaller mineral grains. Examples include basalt and pumice.

What type of rocks form when lava cools after a volcanic eruption?

Igneous Rock is formed when a volcano erupts and the the lava cools down to harden. Pumice Stone Extrusive Rocks Glass Rocks Hope this Helps :)

Why do igneous rocks form?

Volcanic activity will produce igneous rock.

Lava is magma that has reached the what in an eruption?

Lava is magma that has reached the surface of the earth in an eruption. When this cools down, it will form igneous rocks.

What Has two kinds of instrusive and extrusive?

Volcanic rocks have two types: intrusive rocks and extrusive rocks. Intrusive rocks, also known as plutonic rocks, form when molten magma cools and solidifies underground. Extrusive rocks, also called volcanic rocks, form when molten lava erupts onto the Earth's surface and cools quickly.

Do Volcanic necks and dikes form when magma cools and hardens into rock after reaching the surface?

No, these features form when magma cools into rocks BEFORE reaching the surface.

Which of the following is true about pumice?

Made form an eruption of volcanic material. More specifically lava the cools rapidly forming air pockets.

Forms when magma cools within earth?

Volcanic neck.

How does a volcanic eruption form?


What rock is formed when a volcano explodes?

An andesite rock. it came out of the volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens...

Why do rocks form?

Igneous rocks form because, magma cools under the ground, or magma erupts, then cools on the ground forming these rocks.