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Q: Which type of seismic waves have particle motion in the same direction as the wave propagation?
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What waves do propagation and particles motion occur in the same direction?

Longitudinal waves exhibit propagation and particle motion in the same direction. In these waves, the particles oscillate parallel to the direction of the wave travel, creating compressions and rarefactions. Examples include sound waves in air and seismic waves in the Earth.

What do scientists use to classify seismic waves?

Scientists use characteristics such as wave velocity, propagation mode, and direction of particle motion to classify seismic waves. These properties help differentiate between the different types of waves produced by earthquakes and other seismic events.

How does the motion of the medium differ between transverse and longitudinal waves?

In transverse waves, the particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, creating crests and troughs. In longitudinal waves, the particle motion is parallel to the direction of wave propagation, causing compressions and rarefactions in the medium.

How do scientists classify seismic waves?

The wave are classified as their motion respect to their propagation.

What are compressional waves with particle motion in the same direction as wave propagation?

Those are called longitudinal waves. In longitudinal waves, the particles of the medium oscillate parallel to the direction of wave propagation. Sound waves in air are a common example of longitudinal waves.

In which type of waves is the motion of the particles perpendicular to the direction that wave is traveling?

Transverse waves have particle motion perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. Examples include light waves, water waves, and seismic S-waves.

What is direction of a waves motion called?

Well, it's often referred to as the direction of propagation of the wave.

What is a direction of a motion?

Well, it's often referred to as the direction of propagation of the wave.

How can you find the longitudinal wave?

Longitudinal waves are waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave motion. A common example is sound waves traveling through air. You can find them through observation and measurement of particle motion in the direction of wave propagation.

What direction does the particles vibrate in a transverse wave?

In a transverse wave, particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation. This means the particle motion is side to side or up and down while the wave itself moves forward.

What is the direction of wave's motion called?

Well, it's often referred to as the direction of propagation of the wave.

What is the direction of a wave's motion called?

Well, it's often referred to as the direction of propagation of the wave.