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That is incorrect I did the science test and got it wrong it is not silt, you are just guessing the correct answer is sand. Sand is a substance that cant hold water well that's why when you are at the beach your sand castle falls down when water hits it.

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Q: Which type of soil cannot be rolled into balls or clumps?
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Which soil cannot be rolled into balls or clumps?

The awnser is sand It took the quiz.

Does soil form in clumps?


What is soil made from?

It is made from dead plants and animals with minerals and broken rocksNOT SOIL CLUMPS

Why do gardeners till soil from time to time?

Tilling the soil helps to break up any large 'clumps' - and allows air and moisture to penetrate deep into it.

What do isopods do for soil?

what they do is they like to go inside the soil and when theyr'e scared they roll into balls boldge you

Do balls have friction on dry soil?

Yes, balls experience friction on dry soil as they roll due to the interaction between the ball's surface and the soil particles. The amount of friction depends on factors like the type of ball, the surface texture of the ball, and the properties of the soil.

What is soil workability?

Workability refers to the ease of which the soil can be physically controlled for the purpose of cultivation. For example, if tilling or digging the soil produces cloddy or plate like clumps, the workability is low. From what I already know, clay soils aren't the best in terms of workability because it clumps together and is difficult to break up, whilst sandy soils usually have a much better workability but tend to be poor for cultivation because of other reasons.

What Happens to moth balls when wet?

they slowly melt. the more they get wet, the more they melt into the soil. they poison the soil

Is damp soil heterogenous?


What is poor soil?

soil that cannot grow plants or crops

What does it mean to have infertile soil?

You cannot grow things in the soil.

I am making a vegetable patch in my garden and the soil all rocky and in clumps Any suggestions of what I should do so I can start planting vegetables at the start of the year thanks?

You should till the soil, get rid of as many rocks as you can and add some compost.