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The same. Both are electromagnetic waves; in a vacuum, they both travel at the speed of light.

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Both travel at the speed of light.

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Q: Which type of wave travels faster gamma or radio?
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What type of radiation travels furthest through matter?

cosmic , x-ray and gamma

What type of radiation travels more than 6cm in air?

Gamma radiation is the only one, except for radio, heat, visible light, and ultraviolet light.

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All electromagnetic radiation travels at the same speed. We usually call it "the speed of light" but it's the same for all other forms of electromagnetic waves.

Which form of radition form the sun has the shortest?

When it comes to radiation from the sun, the type that has the shortest wave length is known gamma rays. A type of wave that is longer than gamma rays is radio rays, which go for a considerable distance.

What type of electromagnetic radiation has the smallest frequency?

Power frequencies has a low frequencies of 60 to 50 hertz, it is weak radiation from ac circuits.

Which type of wave travels faster through solids then through gasses?

Sound waves (pressure waves).

How radio isotopes can be identified?

Radioisotopes are identified by the halflife, type of radiations emitted, energy of these radiations, spectrometry (mass, gamma, alpha), etc.

Type of radiant energy is invisible to humans?

-- radio -- heat -- infrared -- ultraviolet -- microwave -- X-rays -- gamma rays -- cosmic rays

What type of radiation has the least ability to penetrate matter?

The Least penetrating form of radiation is Alpha as it only travels 10cm in air and is stopped by paper. Alpha is also the most ionising, Beta is less ionising still and Gamma is the least ionising as photons carry no charge so they have less effect.

What type of wave vibrates the faster cosmic rays or gamma rays?

There's a considerable (overlapping) range of frequencies for both gamma rays and cosmic rays, but the upper reach for gamma rays is considered to be higher than that for cosmic rays, all the way to 10^30Hz.