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Q: Which type of work becomes more common in a postindustrial society?
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Work that requires a college education becomes more common in a?

Work that requires a college education becomes more common in a developed country.

What caused the sudden upswing in computer ownership?

They're getting cheaper as time goes on and as they become more common place in society it becomes more important to own one. Homework, work, social networking, and multimedia are just someof the more common ways they can improve productivity or enjoyment.

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Horticultural societies.

As a society becomes more urbanized and industrialized it tends to?

Modify traditional beliefs and customs.

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to ensure some degree of order and justice

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We do not know what causes dementia, we only know that it becomes more common as people age.

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As the novel progresses, Gulliver becomes increasingly disillusioned with humanity and society. He becomes more detached, critical, and cynical towards human behavior and institutions as he experiences different cultures and their flaws. His encounters with different societies shape his perspective and lead him to question the values of his own society.

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Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More both called for reform.

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When a character faces a conflict against more than on person or a common view/policy.