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Infra red and visible light.

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Q: Which types of the sun's radiation is not blocked by the earth's atmosphere?
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What types of solar radiation penetrate the atmosphere?


What are the 3 main types of gases in the earths atmosphere?

The 3 types of gases in Earth's atmosphere are argon, oxygen and nitrogen.

What are substances that block radiation?

You mean a physical substance which could be lead or concrete. Some ultraviolet radiation can be blocked by sunblocks and clothing. Other types of radiation such as X-Rays used in medicine can be blocked by lead.

What types of radiation can enter earths atmosphere?

The UV radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface is mostly UVA and some UVB. Almost half the daytime total of the more harmful UVB radiation is received between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Even on a cloudy day, you can be sunburned by UVB radiation.

How does the earth's atmosphere protect living organism from certain types of electromagnetic radiation?

be far from those radiation

What are the three types of heat transfer in the atmosphere?

Convection, conduction and radiation

What does the earth's atmosphere do to most types of electromagnetic radiation?

It absorbs almost everything except the visible spectrum.

What types of radiation does the universe allow to pass through?

Radiation can pass easily through space. It is the earth's atmosphere that protects us from dangerous levels.

What types of gases are in dwarf planet X's atmosphere?

APPERANTLY it has an atmosphere similar to Earths, with flecks of gold. It is like a very gold kinda coated planet... ^_^

Many types of radiation cannot penetrate earth's atmosphere. While this may limit astronomers how does it actually help humans?

Although this hampers astronomers abilities to some extent, it greatly helps the human race by blocking some harmful types of radiation. If all types of radiation from space were allowed to pass through the atmosphere, it is highly unlikely that life forms could exist on Earth.

The most penetrating of the types of nuclear radiation?

Gamma rays. They need layers of concrete and lead. They are also still not completely blocked.

What is the difference between direct and indirect global warming potential?

They are two types of radiation 1. Direct radiation 2.Diffused radiation The solar radiation reaching the surface of atmosphere of earth is known as extra terrestrial radiation. In which some part of radiation directly enters the earth atmosphere and some part enters the earth atmosphere by reflecting from clouds, gases , aerosols etc., The radiation which directly enters the earth atmosphere is known as "Direct radiation" The radiation which enters the earth atmosphere by reflecting from clouds, gases, aerosols is known as diffused radiation. In materiology the sum of both Direct radiation and Diffused radiation is called total radiation.