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Lymphatic vessels are the vascular tissue that only allows for one-way flow of materials.

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Q: Which vascular tissue only allows for one-way flow of materials?
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What kind of tissue allows the transport of materials from the roots to the rest of the plant?

Vascular tissue, bro

Vascular tissue allows plants to move water and nutrients throughout the plant body Another effect of vascular tissue is that it allows plants to?

Vascular tissue also allows plants to grow nice and tall (essentially, it's what wood is made of), and it allows them to live far from water. If it weren't for vascular tissue, plants would just be algae and moss.

What are the two types of vascular tissue called?

The two types of vascular tissue are xylem and phloem. Xylem tissue moved water and materials dissolved in it from roots to leaves. Phloem tissue conducts nutrients.

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What are the three types of tissue in plants?

The three types of tissue in plants are dermal tissue, ground tissue, and vascular tissue. Dermal tissue covers the outer surface, ground tissue forms the bulk of the plant body, and vascular tissue transports water and nutrients.

What tissue type transport materials in a plant?

Vascular. Transports Water, Food, Hormones, and Minerals

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What type of tissue surrounds the vascular bundles?

Vascular tissue.

What does vascular plants have?

Vascular plants have vascular tissue .

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Why vascular plants are better suited to life in dry areas?

Their well-developed vascular tissue solves the problem of transport and moving materials effectively and faster throughout the plants body.

Where is vascular tissue found in plant?

In the stem and leaves of plants most of the vascular tissue is found. This vascular tissue is in the form of xylem and phloem.