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barbie,strawberry shortcake,and frag dolls

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Q: Which video games also have dolls for sale for kids?
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Related questions

Are there kids games that use inflatable dolls?

yes theres kids games that uses inflatable dolls . you can check on this

Do bad kids play video games?

Yes some bad kids do play video games but there are nice kids also.

What do kids do fun?

Most kids like playing games like soccer, Basketball, tag and outside games and girls also enjoy making dolls and playing with them.

Are video games good for kids?

Well it depends on what kind of video games are the kids playing with and how long you use the video games. Some types of video games are for kids not all.

Pilgrim children games?

Pilgrim kids played with dolls the same as kids do in present times. They also played games like hoops, leap frog and catch the ring.

Does video games make kids dumb?

No, some video games actually make you smarter like Minecraft. It is all about building and takes survival skills to play. Some moms think video games rot your brain. Kids think video games are awesome and fun. That is also what I think.

Do kids get crazy from video games?


What is the percentage of kids who play video games in Noosa?

70% play video games

Why do kids play games?

Because Video Games are Awesome!

Why don't little kids play video games?

Because little kids games suck.

Do video games entertain kids?


Can kids test video games?
