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A map showing the changes in areas covered by ice over time. APEX

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Q: Which visual aid would most help a speech about melting polar ice caps?
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What affects would a polar cap melting have on the sea?

oceans would rise submerging the land masses that we upon.

What of these is most likely result of the polar caps melting?

Cities on the ocean would be in danger of flooding.

What is the likely result of the polar ice caps melting?

Fish would be harmed by changes to the ocean water

How would the polar ice caps melting affect peoples health?

if you ever feel mad there is no need to cry

What is a most likely result of the polar ice caps melting?

Fish would be harmed by changes to the ocean water

What of these is the most likely result of the polar ice caps melting?

Fish would be harmed by changes to the ocean water

Which of these is the most likely result of the polar ice caps melting?

Fishes would be harmed by changes to the ocean water (apex)

Global warming is not a threat to polar ice?

Global warming is a significant threat to polar ice as rising temperatures are causing glaciers and ice sheets to melt at an alarming rate. This phenomenon has the potential to disrupt ecosystems, contribute to sea level rise, and impact wildlife that depend on polar ice for survival. Scientists are concerned about the long-term consequences of polar ice loss on global climate patterns.

What event marked the turning point towards America's outlook on the environment?

My guess would be the heat change and the polar ice caps melting.

What is the most likely result of polar ice caps melting?

Fish would be harmed by changes to the ocean water

Which of these is the most likely result of polar ice caps melting?

Fishes would be harmed by changes to the ocean water (apex)

Do trans or cis fats have a higher melting point?

Trans fats have a higher melting point than cis fats due to their straighter molecular structure. Trans fats pack more tightly together, requiring more energy to separate them, leading to a higher melting point.