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Pie chart it is used for percents of a whole, no time included.

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Q: Which visual can not be used to compare items over time. A table . A pie chart . A line graph . A bar chart?
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The difference between graph and chart?

A graph typically represents quantitative data using points, lines, or bars, while a chart is a visual representation of data that can include graphs, tables, or diagrams. Graphs are used to show relationships or trends in data, while charts are more general tools for visualizing information.

What is the graph that shows percentages of items?

A pie chart.

What graph best shows how different items compare to each other?

a bar graph

What type of graph best shows a comparison of several items or events a bar graph a line graph a pie chart or all of the above?

The answer depends on what the comparisons are. A bar graph and a pie chart will probably do well.

What type of graph would you use to show comparisons?

Bar charts are good for comparing related items. Answer: for Excel it is best known as a column chart.

Which type of graph best shows a comparison of several items or events?

a pie Chart :)

What is best shown on a bar graph?

How different items compare to each other

What is the difference between a pareto chart and a tally chart?

A pareto chart combines a bar chart and a line graph that displays the values in descending order as bars and the cumulative totals of each category, left to right, as a line graph. A tally chart shows a cumulative count of items in a category, frequently indicated by a small horizontal line for each four items and a diagonal line for the fifth item. This sequence repeats with groups of five until all items are counted.

What is the difference between a pie chart and column chart?

A pie chart is round with "slices" to identify data items. A column chart is a series of columns to identify data items. A pie chart allows you to see how all the parts fit into the whole. A column chart allows you to compare all the parts with each other.

Three particular items to look for on a chart or graph are?

Description (title) of the chart so that you know what the chart is intended to display; Labels for categories (or independent variable), with scale, if appropriate; and Values for dependent variable with scale.

Why display data in the form of a chart?

To present a graphical representation of the data that makes it easier for the viewer to compare data items with the whole data set (pie chart) or with each other (bar chart).

A chart showing traditional dresses and food items of different regions of India?

You might want a different chart for each area. You could use a visual aid to help demonstrate your point.