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Q: Which wagon trail did pioneers take to Washington?
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What route did most pioneers take to get to Washington?

the oregon trail

How long did it take for the pioneers to move?

It took around 6 months on a buffalo wagon

How long did it take for the pioneers to move west?

The Mormon Pioneers moved west on the Mormon trail between 1845 and 1870, when the train came through and became the more common mode of transportation. The biggest years for travel on the Mormon trail were in the 1850's. After the railroad, Mormons continued to move west, but usually came individually as the need for organized companies no longer existed, so the numbers are harder to pinpoint.

What would the pioneers do to their wagon after going west?

Before pioneers had a house built, they would continue living in their wagons. But after they, they usually would take the top off and use it as a normal wagon or they would take it apart and use it for wood to build other things.

Can you travel the Oregon trail today?

You can take parts of it. There are companies where you can have a wagon train experience .

What kind of animals did the people on the organ trail need to take?

horse oxen dogs anything that will protect them or pull their wagon

Why did so many pioneers choose the conestoga wagon to take them west?

the movement to the west was truly one of the most interesting periods of this nation history 😊

Did it take pioneers 6 months to complete the Oregon trail?

Yes, it probbly took them a little over 6 months if something happened that wasn't spossed to happen

What did the pioneers take with them?

The Pioneers took food,weopons, and suplies

How did pioneers travel west on the Oregon and Mormon trails?

The most common form of transportation for pioneers among the Oregon and Mormon trails was by wagon. Usually wagons were pulled by a team of oxen although horses, mules, and cattle were sometimes used. Those looking for quick travel or who were traveling alone with few belongings might take just a horse, perhaps with an extra pack animal to carry supplies. The poorest pioneers travelled by foot (many without shoes!), some were able to get a wagon-owner to carry their supplies, and some had to carry their supplies alone. Many poor Mormon pioneers used what was called a 'handcart' - a shortened two-wheeled wagon which they had to pull or push themselves.

Why did the pioneers travel in wagon trains?

pioneers were worker men so they needed to get around the place quite quickly

How much food could the Mormon pioneers take in their handcarts?

Generally the pioneers using handcards did not carry much or any food in their carts. Carts were meant for personal belongings, while food for the whole company was carried in a wagon and rationed out equally. Extra food brought or gathered along the trail by individual families would have been stored on carts, but there was very little space for it. The exact amount of space would depend on the number of people sharing the cart and how much stuff they decided to bring.