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There is no specific direction, it is the same way the bird would land.

The way they are facing would be the best* description.

* Without a specific reference.

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Q: Which way do dragonflies face when they land?
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Is it lucky if two dragonflies land on you?

Only if you like dragonflies, there is no lucky charm attached to this event.

Where dragonflies live?

in paco land

Do dragonflies carry diseases?

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fighting in a far way land supplies were shipped long distances

How do you avoid dragonflies?

The best way to avoid them is to stay indoors. But you don't want that.

What does it mean when a dragonfly lands on your knee when you are thinking about your future?

Dragonflies land on anything that provides them a good sight of the surroundings. They usually land on the highest point in the neighberhood.

Are dragonflies invertebrates or vertebrates?

Dragonflies are invertebrates

Are dragonfly are scary or not?

Dragonflies seem scary to most. However, even though the dragonflies are equipped in such a way that they can bite and cause harm, they will not unless handled in a rough manner. Therefor, they should not be feared.

Who were the ancestors of dragonflies?

The ancestors to the dragonflies was the Protondonata. These were the 1st winged insects on Earth and the earliest form of dragonflies.

Do dragons make dragonflies?

Dragonflies are real but dragons are not.