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Q: Which weather condition can be described as clouds are at ground level?
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Which weather condition can be describe as clouds at ground level?


Do clouds affect the weather?

Clouds might affect the weather by shading the ground, keeping it cool, or perhaps warm, which might affect breezes and winds. But clouds are formed by weather, so it can be a little confusing.

CLouds THAT block out all sunlight are thick and low to the ground smooth gray clouds and light rain and drizzle?

Stratus clouds, described as a blanket of clouds.

How can clouds seen from the ground help people predict the weather?

certain clouds mean certain things

What weather is it when stratus clouds form?

Fair weather and/or snow or rain. (closest to the ground it forms: fog)

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How does the water cycle influence the weather?

The answer is :It evaporate from ground and body of water to the air and create clouds. After that it condensate create rain then gos back to the ground.

When water vapor condenses near the ground the weather condition is called?


How do you group clouds?

Cumulus clouds are puffy. They have flat bottoms and are low in the sky. Cumulus clouds usually mean fair weather. If they grow tall, they can become thunderheads and bring rain.Cirrus clouds are the highest clouds. They usually mean fair weather. They look white and feathery.Stratus clouds are the low clouds. Fog is a stratus cloud at ground level. They look like a low gray blanket. Stratus clouds bring rain or snow.

Do stratus clouds bring bad weather?

Not necessarily. The word stratus means layered. If the stratus clouds are low enough they can result in ground fog. Stratus clouds can also produce a light, but steady rain or snow.

The happy clouds scanned the ground beneath them is an example of what?

The clause "the happy clouds scanned the ground beneath them" is an example of the literary device of personification. Personification is the attribution of human form or characteristics to some inanimate thing. In this sentence, inanimate clouds are described as "happy" (a human emotion) and as "scanning the ground" (a human faculty). Clouds of course do not actually feel "happy" or "scan the ground," but the author uses the device of personification to lend a human quality to a scene and to forge a certain mood.

What are clouds called that are close to the ground or on the ground?

the answer is fog..To be mo scientific its called Stratus clouds.