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Abrasion because hot, dry environments lack water.

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Q: Which weathering process mostly occur in a hot dry environ ment?
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What parts of the Rock cycle occur at the Earth's surface?

Mostly the sedimentary part which involves the process of weathering, and diagenesis occurs at the earths surface.

Where does weathering mostly occur?

Actually weather doesn't mostly occur in places. weather occurs everywhere

What Climate does mechanical weathering mostly occur in?

cold weather

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Does weathering and erosion occur naturally?

Yes. Mostly by wind, water and ice.

Why does most weather occur?

weather changes occur in a slow process. weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces.

Weathering occurs most rapidly in what horizon?

mostly o horizon, but some also occur in the a horizon

How fast does weathering occur?

Weathering and erosion occur all the time even when mountains are forming

The process by which the Earth's crust breaks apart can occur within continental crust or oceanic crust?

You're probably thinking of weathering and erosion (or just weathering) or excavation :)

In what type of weathering does salt wedging occur?

mechanical weathering

What does weathering occur?

In the Stratosphere

Why do salt crystal grow mostly occurs in drier regions?

Because there is less amount of rainfall and temperature that could combine together to accelerate weathering process in drier regions. Therefore, thawing and freezing that could occur there lead to crystallization of salt.