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Missed nearly 40% of the pills.......maybe a condom should be used. Either that or congratulations are in order on your future pregnancy

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Q: Which week will ovulation occur if you miss taking 3 pills in week 1 and 2 pills in week 2?
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Can anti inflammatory pills affect the menstrual cycle?

No, taking an anti-inflammatory drug cannot make you miss a period. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle and hormonal changes that occur, you ovulate and then you menstruate, if you miss ovulation then you miss a period - this has nothing to do with your medication at all.

If you start while still taking active pills to you continue with the active ones or switch to the sugar pills?

Keep taking your pills all in order-do not skip any active pills...did you miss any pills -sometimes that can cause you to start your period early...also-maybe put a call in to your doc- if you didn't miss any pills,you shouldn't start your period while still taking active pills

What if you miss birth control pills while ovulating?

If you just missed one pill it is unlikely that you ovulated at all as the other pills (if taken correctly) will have prevented ovulation. so you are unlikely to become pregnant. NO NOT REALLY PLUS THERE SHOULD BE ENOUGH HORMONES IN THE PILLS TO PREVENT THE PREGNANCY TO TAKE PLACE...SO BASICALLY NO

What if you miss six birth control pills?

YES. You can get pregnant if you miss one at the right time of your cycle. You need to get in a comfortable daily routine of taking your pills so you remember to take them.

Can you get away with not taking 2 pills at once when you miss one especially if you haven't had sex in 3 weeks?

I would take the pills as soon as you rememeber them.

What if you stop taking pills after your period last month then had sex this month without protection and no pills and you miss your period then on the same day you start taking the pills not the morn?

You're probably pregnant, and no amount of birth control is going to reverse it.

Why does vaginal bleeding occur if you miss a pill?

There are two types of birth control pills in a packet - they are different colours to help you identify them. There are 21 active pills and 7 sugar pills. The active pills contain hormones that prevent pregnancy. The sugar pills contain no hormones at all and are just there so that you get into the habit of taking a pill every day. Once you start on the sugar pills, you are receiving none of the hormones and this signals the body it is time to bleed. You should get your period soon after starting the sugar pills. Therefore if you miss a pill, this is giving your body the signal to bleed unintentionally.

You were taking birth control pills but you missed 3 days and then you began spotting you did that for a week then you stopped taking the pills for 2 days to make your period come on can you get pregn?

Its possible but pretty unlikely. If you miss any pills then follow the instructions (which are normally to continue as if you hadn't missed any pills).

What if you miss nine birth control pills?

If you miss nine birth control pills, start a new pack as soon as you can. Consider taking the morning after pill if you had sex in the last five days. Use a back up method until you've taken seven pills correctly.

Can accidentally taking 2 birth control pills in one day cause you to start your period early?

No, it wouldn't. Taking the "mini pill" or Progesterone only (POP) BCP - missing one pill is enough to allow ovulation - which could cause pregnancy. In a combination pill you have to miss 3 or more pills in a cycle for ovulation to happen. Going period free is a side effect of many BCP. If you have been on the pill for over 6 months and this is the only period you have ever missed - taking a pregnancy test to reassure yourself wouldn't hurt anything.

You were late taking your pill you think at the latest 14 hours you have four days of pill taking days left you seldom miss pills what are the chances of pregnancy?

You should be ok but to be on the safe side use a condom for 7 days. and continue taking your pills as normal.