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Q: Which whole number having three same digits and is a multiple of 3 can be rounded to 700?
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What are 2 mathematical things about the number 9?

The number nine is a composite number (3 x 3 = 9) and it is a square number (32 = 9). It is a divisor of any number that has digits having the sum of nine or a multiple of 9 (For example, the digits in 367,218 add up to 27, which is a multiple of 9, and the digits in 27 also add up to 9)

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The mystery number is 155. When rounded to the nearest hundred, it rounds to 200. The sum of its digits is 1+5+5=11 which is greater than 10, so we must adjust the digit in the hundreds place. When rounded to the nearest ten, 155 rounds to 160, which has digits summing up to 1+6+0=7.

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No. To find if a number is a factor of 3, add the number's digits. If the resulting number is a multiple of 3, then the original number is a multiple of 3. In 4339, the digits of the number added together is 19, which is not a multiple of 3.

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300, 600 and 900.

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A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3. A number is divisible by 6 if the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3 and it's even. A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is a multiple of 9.

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If the sum of the digits of a number is a multiple of 9, the number is a multiple of 9.

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If the sum of the digits of a given number equals nine or a multiple of nine, nine is a factor of that number.

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Yes If a numbers last two digits (assuming that it has at least two) is a multiple of 4, the whole number is also a multiple of 4. If the last two digits are 00 (assuming in this case it has at least three digits), the number is also a multiple of 4. For example, 100 and 200 are multiples of 4.