

Which will decay a tooth the quickest soda or water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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A tooth will decay faster in soda because of the acid content that dissolves the tooth. In water, which is PH neutral, the tooth shouldn't decay at all.

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Q: Which will decay a tooth the quickest soda or water?
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In soda water acidic or basic?

It's slightly acidic. Prolonged use is one of the main contributors to tooth decay.

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Do teeth break cause cancer?

No tooth decay is not a sign of cancer. Various other things can be signs of cancer. Tooth decay is natural process that can be sped up by several factors. For example, drinking soda helps sped up tooth decay.

Which drink evaporates the quickest soda or water?

The difference is not significant.

How to do a science project on Soda vs water which decays a tooth the fastest?

Put a tooth in soda and then put another tooth in water. Then watch the results. Quite simple.

What kind of drink evaporates the quickest soda or water?

Differences are not significant.

What could be the cause of extremely rapid tooth decay?

Soda would be one possibility, especially if you drink soda and go to bed without brushing your teeth. Sugar, Sweets. Lemonade, Cakes, in fact all the sweet items that you eat can cause tooth decay.Brushing your teeth Morning and Evening, using Dental Floss plus Mouth Washes will help look after your teeth thus reducing the chances of tooth decay.WorldWide Tooth Decay EpidemicThere is also currently a worldwide tooth decay epidemic in children (Google: tooth decay epidemic children, for more info). Such a tooth decay epidemic is unprecedented in human history, and the cause of it is currently unknown.One possible explanation is that a new viral infection spreading globally may be behind this tooth decay epidemic epidemic

How affective is soda to your teeth?

well, some people don't brush their teeth right after drinking a can of soda. During the time peirod their not brushing their teeth, the acid from the pop is sitting on your tooth causing tooth decay.

What are the effects of drinking to much soda?

rotten teeth tooth decay getting you teeth pulled out getting hyper

Does soda make your teeth soft?

Anything with sugar can cause caries (decay). Sugar combines with bacteria in your mouth and saliva and becomes acidic. It causes enamel loss and decay. Sugar is the leading cause of tooth decay. In addition, the carbonation in such beverages can wear away tooth enamel.