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The one with iron

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1mo ago

A rock containing a lot of iron will likely weather faster than a rock made up mostly of quartz. Iron is prone to oxidation when exposed to moisture and oxygen, leading to rusting and faster deterioration compared to quartz, which is chemically more stable and less reactive.

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Q: Which will weather faster a rock containg a lot of iron or a rock made up mostly quartz?
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Which would weather faster olivine or quartz?

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Calcite weathers faster than quartz because it is more soluble in water. Calcite readily dissolves in acidic conditions, such as rainwater, leading to faster weathering compared to quartz, which is more resistant to chemical weathering due to its low solubility in water. Additionally, calcite has weaker chemical bonds that make it more susceptible to breakdown compared to quartz.

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Quartz is a mineral that is resistant to weathering due to its chemistry and crystalline structure. Granite will weather faster than quartzite because granite is only partially quartz in composition.

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Quartz is a major mineral in granite. Therefore, a rock consisting mostly of quartz will have a composition similar to granite. Both rocks are light in color and have a high silica content.

Can quartz be sparkly?

Yes and no but mostly yes

What is pea gravel made from?

Mostly quartz.

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Which material is mostly made of the mineral quartz?

Granite is a material that is mostly made of the mineral quartz. It is a common type of igneous rock that contains high amounts of quartz along with other minerals such as feldspar and mica.

What is quartz mostly used in?

It is used to conduct electricity and mostly used in electrical appliances

What is made up of mostly pulverized quartz?

Most sand is made up mostly of pulverized quartz. Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and is composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2). When rocks containing quartz break down due to weathering and erosion, they form sand, which is primarily made up of small particles of pulverized quartz.

What mineral contains mostly silicone and oxygen?

Quartz (SiO2).

What is the minerals of sandstones?

Mostly quartz grains, sometimes feldspars.