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Not normally featured in the standard orchestra lineup would be any member of the Saxaphone category. However, any one of the sax instruments could be a featured soloist for a work written for it with orchestral accompaniment.

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Q: Which woodwind instrument does not always play in an orchestra?
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Which woodwind instrument does not always play in an orchestral?

the woodwind instrument smells and the instrument that does not play in the orchestra is piano drums guitar violin and harp

What section of the orchestra does the clarenet play in?


What section of the orchestra does a saxophone belong?

"Wind" because you put your lips adjacent to the opening and blow softly across it causing the wind inside the tube to vibrate.

Do australians play a woodwind instrument called a didgeridoo?

Australians play a very popular instrument that's in the woodwind family called the didgeridoo.

What is the easiet woodwind instrument to play?

totally clarinet

What is harder to play a woodwind instrument or a brass instrument?

Woodwind especially the double reed instruments are more difficult with the exception of the French Horn a brass instrument which is probably the most difficult wind instrument of all to play properly.

Can the saxophone play in a traditional orchestra?

I would say no because an orchestra consists if string instruments (preferably violins, cellos, etc.) I myself am a sax player and saxophones play in bands, not orchrestras. - Sax Master In a symphony orchestra, saxophones play in the woodwind section. Orchestras have string sections, woodwinds, brass and percussion.

What is the lowest woodwind instrument?

The contrabassoon. Please learn to use google. It's not hard bro.

Why is the bassoon the clown of the orchestra?

The bassoon is an orchestral woodwind instrument. It reads bass and tennor cleff. It's nickname is the clown of the orchestra because we always get funny lines that kinna sound like a clown. Hense the name. I personally don't really get the name, and I play bassoon. But, hey. I hope my answer helped somewhat.

Where does the clarinet play in the orchestra?

In the woodwind section, normally located behind the violas (near the middle of the orchestra), between the oboes and bassoons.

What were the names of the orchestra members and what instrument did they play?

That depends entirely on which orchestra is in question.

What is a clarinent?

A clarinet is a woodwind instrument. Benny Goodman used to play it.