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Q: Which word adopted from the greek language refers to a govermnt ran by just a few peopleDemocracy Monaarchyor Oligarchy?
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What became of the aristocrats when the kings no longer ruled?

The answer to this question is, the aristocrats formed a group called oligarchies. the word oligarchy means "few" in greek language. A few of these men were very wealthy. Compared to the poor,oligarchs had very comfortable lives.

How did the Greeks influence the world today?

In culture (theatre, sculpture, buildings), language (new words in the English language are usually derivitives of Greek words, particulary in science - originally Latin was used but it lacked the scope required), religion (Christianity was spread initially in the Greek world), politics (modern politics is based on Greek models - monarchy, oligarchy and democracy).

What is the name of the Romanian government?

A group of incompetent, ridiculous and thieves; some are not of Romanian origin.

What was the language of the Romans and why?

Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.Latin was the language of the early Romans.

What is e language and l language?

"e language" typically refers to Eiffel, a programming language known for its emphasis on object-oriented design. "L language" can refer to several different programming languages, such as Lisp, Lua, and LabVIEW, each with its own unique features and applications.

Is a query language a procedural language?

No, a query language is not a procedural language. Query languages are used to retrieve specific information from databases or other data sources by defining and executing queries, while procedural languages are used to write algorithms and executable instructions to solve problems.

What is previous language of c language?

language before c language is pascal

Is a query language procedural language?

isA query language is a procedural language.

Is c is regular language?

it is not regular language .it is high level language

What are Differences between mother language and foreign language?

A mother language is the first language a person learns at home, typically from their parents or caregivers, and is deeply ingrained in their identity. A foreign language, on the other hand, is a language that is learned in a formal or structured setting later in life, often for communication or educational purposes. Native speakers are more proficient in their mother language, while foreign language learners may have varying degrees of fluency based on their exposure and practice.

What is native language and second language?

A native language is the language that a person grows up speaking from birth, typically within their family or community. A second language is a language that is learned in addition to one's native language, often through formal education or immersion in a different linguistic environment.

Difference between second language and target language?

the second language is the language that one learns after ones native language,whereas target the language is the language of translation,situation or sitting in which reader needs to ude the language.