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The word foca is not a form of the word focus, which has plurals focuses or foci. It is used as a proper noun or acronym.

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Q: Which word does not belong focus foca focuses foci?
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How many plural forms does focus have?

The word "focus" has a single plural form, which is "focuses."

How do you say plural foci?

Foci is the plural form of the singular noun focus.

Nouns ending in -us with plural era?

Some examples of nouns ending in -us that have plural forms ending in -era include "cactus" (plural: cacti), "focus" (plural: foci), and "syllabus" (plural: syllabi).

What are a list of words that are singular but look like plurals?

One group of singular nouns are those that end in -sis that are made plural by changing the ending to -ses, for example:hypothesis (hypotheses)diagnosis (diagnoses)basis (bases)crisis (crises)oasis (oases)emphasis (emphases)Another group of singular nouns are those that end in -us that are made plural by changing the ending to -i, for example:alumnus (alumni)cactus (cacti)focus (foci)radius (radii)stimulus (stimuli)bacillus (bacilli)It is now becoming acceptable to use the more standard plural form to add -es to nouns already ending with an -s, for example focuses or radiuses.And a group of singular nouns that are a shortened form of 'a pair of...', for example:glasses (two pairs of glasses)scissors (two pairs of scissors)pants (two pairs of pants)binoculars (two pairs of binoculars)tongs (two pairs of tongs)shorts (two pairs of shorts)

What are examples of foreign nouns and their plural form?

Plural - Foreign1.Focus=foci2.Medium=media3.Criterion=criteria4.Elk=elk5.Appendix=appendices6.Apparatus=apparati7.Index=indices8.Formula=formulae9.Fungus=fungi10.Gymnasium=gymnasia11.Amoeba=amoebae12.Schema=schemata13.Dogma=dogmata14.Cicata=cicatae15.Trachea=trachaeae

Related questions

What is the english plural word for the word focus?

focuses or foci

What does 'foca' mean in Spanish?

Foci in Spanish is FOCO

How many plural forms does focus have?

The word "focus" has a single plural form, which is "focuses."

What is the plural form for emphasis?

The plural form of "focus" is foci, or the English plural focuses.Latin words in which the singular ends in -us are typically pluralized by dropping the -us and adding an "i".Examples include "stimuli" for stimulus, and "rhombi" for "rhombus."---Foci and focuses are both acceptable.(When used as a verb, "focuses" is the only acceptable form for the third person singular.)"Foci" is formed using the Latin rule for plurals. It may seem more erudite in written communication, but in spoken form (foe-sigh) most people will not recognize the word. "Focuses" is a bit more awkward because of the multiple "s" sounds, but the general population is more likely to recognize it. If you are doing professional or scholastic writing, you should refer to your organization's style manual for the preferred form.

How many foci in circular orbit?

Most orbits are elliptical; all NATURAL orbits are. There are two foci, or focuses, to an ellipse. The distance between the foci determines how eccentric, or non-circular, they are. If the two foci are in the same place, then the ellipse becomes a circle. So a circular orbit would have only one focus.

How do you say plural foci?

Foci is the plural form of the singular noun focus.

A is a point that helps to define an ellipse?


What planet has the least distance between the two Foci of its elliptical orbit?

Planets don't have circular orbits; all orbits are ellipses. A circle has one center, but an ellipse has two focuses, or "foci". The further apart the foci, the greater the eccentricity, which is a measure of how far off circular the ellipse is. Venus has the lowest eccentricity, at 0.007. Neptune is next with an eccentricity of 0.011. (Earth's orbit has an eccentricity of 0.017.) So, Venus has the shortest focus-to-focus distance.

What is the difference between a focus and a foci?

1 focus is a focus. 2 or more of them are a group of foci. Personally, I say "FOE-sigh". Some people say "FOE-see". Nobody says "FOE-key".

Every ellipse has two of what?

Foci (correct plural of focus)

What is a cystic foci in a kidney?

A cystic foci, or cystic focus, is when an ultrasound identifies a finding that is cystic-like. It mean there's a tiny collection of fluid wherever the cystic focus was found.

What are the difference between circle and ellipse between circle and ellipse?

An ellipse is a shape on which the sum of the distances from every point to two points inside called the foci (focuses) is always the same number. A circle is an ellipse with both foci (focuses) at the same point.