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The adjective "nefarious" means wicked, evil or villainous. It is often applied to the actions, policies, or plans of a malevolent or evil person.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

His intent was nefarious but he was so smooth, he got away with it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Base, heinous, depraved, rotten, shameful, vile, criminal, abominable, evil, monstrous, wicked...

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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βˆ™ 14y ago

His nefarious crime landed him in jail.

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Q: Which word has the same meaning as nefarious?
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What is a word meaning evil and beginning with the letter N?

Nefarious. Meaning- Evil etc.

Can you give a sentence using the word nefarious?

The word nefarious is found in the English language.

What word is the opposite of nefarious?

The opposite of "nefarious" (wicked or evil) would be good, honorable, virtuous, decent, or upright.

The word nefarious used in a sentence?

"The use of Wikianswers to have others do their homework was a nefarious idea."

How do you use the word nefarious?

This is a fancy term for evil or wicked. Here are some sentences.I overheard the evil scientist explaining his nefarious plans.You are a nefarious villain!Her nefarious scheme to get revenge shocked me.

A word that has the same meaning as another word is a?

A word that has the same meaning as another word is a synonym.

What is the Anglo-saxon equivalent for the latinate word nefarious?


Can you give me sentences using the word nefarious?

The thief had a nefarious plan to break into the bank vault and steal the valuable jewels. The company was under investigation for engaging in nefarious business practices to manipulate their competitors. The spy had a reputation for carrying out nefarious schemes to gather confidential information for his government.

What is a 9 letter word beginning with N and ending with S which means 'very wicked'?

The answer is nefarious.The definition of nefarious is "extremely wicked. Or villainous. Or iniquitous"An example sentence is "I found the green witch to be very nefarious.

How do you spell nethaurious?

If you are describing someone wicked or villainous, the word is nefarious.

What does the word connotes mean?

Connotations are implied or suggested meanings or shades of meaning, as opposed to denotations which are the explicit meanings of words. A word denotes its denotation, and connotes its connotations. "The word 'lurk' connotes a nefarious intent."

What words contain the root word onym?

Some words that contain the root word "onym" are synonym (meaning a word with a similar meaning), antonym (meaning a word with the opposite meaning), and homonym (meaning a word that sounds the same but has a different meaning).