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Q: Which word would geneticists use to describe the cause of Patau syndrome?
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What is the incidence of patau syndrome?

Patau syndrome, also known as Trisomy 13, is an abnormality of chromosomes in which a patient has an additional 13th chromosome due to a failure of chromosomes to split during meiosis. It can cause the following conditions: motor & mental retardation, extra digits, microcephaly, low-set ears, failure of the forbrain to divide properly, heart defects, eye defects, cleft palate, spinal defects, abnormal genitalia, abnormal palm patterns or overlapping of fingers over thumb. Photos of children with Patau Syndrome - Trisomy 13.

What causes Patau syndrome and how does it differ from Down syndrome?

Patau syndrome is a very rare syndrome caused by a problem in the chromosomes, the structures in the body's cells that contain DNA. The specific chromosomal problem in Patau syndrome is that the cells have three copies of chromosome 13, as opposed to the usual two copies in most people. Because there are three copies of chromosome 13, the condition is also called trisomy 13. The cause of Patau syndrome is similar to Down syndrome. Like Patau syndrome, Down syndrome is caused by having an extra copy of a certain chromosome. Individuals with Down syndrome usually have an extra copy of chromosome 21. Thus, Down syndrome is commonly called trisomy 21. Perhaps not surprisingly, the cause of the trisomy in both Patau and Down syndromes is similar. A phenomenon called nondisjunction is responsible for most cases of trisomy 13 and 21. Nondisjunction is an error that can occur during cell division (specifically the cell division process called meiosis). Rather than splitting evenly, cells that have undergone nondisjunction typically split unevently into two cells; one cell receives one extra copy of a chromosome, while the other is deficient in the chromosome. A major risk factor for nondisjunction is advanced maternal age. The chance of nondisjunction increases significantly once mothers are 35 years old and greater. As you'd expect, the risk of Patau and Down syndromes increases considerably with advanced maternal age. To view photos of children Living with Trisomy 13 - Patau Syndrome

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