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The pronoun is it, a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific thing.

The word "ball" is a noun, a word for a thing.


The ball rolled into the stream where I couldn't retrieve it.

  • The pronoun "it" takes the place of the noun "ball" in the second part of the sentence.

We've been invited to the ball. Itshould be an exciting occasion.

  • The pronoun "it" takes the place of the noun "ball" in the second sentence.
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Q: Which words are a pronoun it or ball?
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When is a word a pronoun or adjective?

A word is a pronoun when it replaces a noun in a sentence, acting as a substitute for it (e.g., he, she, they). An adjective, on the other hand, is a descriptive word that provides more information about a noun or pronoun (e.g., beautiful, tall).

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A pronoun that follows an action verb is called an object pronoun. It receives the action of the verb. For example, in the sentence "She caught the ball," "ball" is the object noun receiving the action of the verb "caught."

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Yes, the personal pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun 'Jack' as the subject of the relative clause 'that he lost his ball'.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.A personal pronoun takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.The pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun 'Jack'.

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This can be a demonstrative adjective (this ball) or a demonstrative pronoun.

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"I" is a pronoun, "like" is a verb, and "you" is a pronoun.

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The words this and that are demonstrative pronouns.The word one is an indefinite pronoun.The word you is a personal pronoun.

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Segregate is a verb. It doesn't have a pronoun. Pronouns are words like I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, that, those. Words that can stand instead of a noun. The noun from segregate is segregation; the pronoun for segregation is it.

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This'll is neither. It is a contraction of the words this and will. This is a pronoun and will is a verb.

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The word or words that a pronoun replaces is its antecedent.Example: When George got to 19th Street, he got off the train. ("George" is the antecedent of the pronoun "he.")

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