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Icy Hot all the way!

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Q: Which would hurt more on your balls icy hot or bengay?
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Does it hurt when you have blue balls?

Kind of. It's more uncomfortable than actually painful.

Does it really hurt as bad as a guy says it does to get hit in the penis or is it just in their head?

being a male, i can tell you that even a slap (to the balls) can hurt very badly... its not the penis that hurts when it gets hit its the balls.... and yes it hurts a lot... probably more than if a girl would get punched in the breast

Should you shellac a baseball?

No ShellacNo. It will hurt the value of the signature. Years ago it was a common practice to shellac the baseball to protect the signatures. This practice stopped when it was realized that the balls would turn yellow, crack, and peal off. With some of the earliest signed baseballs, the value is not hurt as much as with newer balls because the autographs are more rare, and it was common.

How can friction hurt cheerleaders?

it can hurt them because what if they were to fall they would get hurt and it would hurt more if they were on the top of a pyramid.

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It would hurt more to get lemon in your eye because it has acids.

Does it hurt more to get hit by a driver or a putter?

If you mean just the club, then the putter would hurt more as it is solid, a driver is hollow. But if you meant which would hurt more if a ball was hit with these clubs and it hit you which would hurt more it would be the driver, the ball speed off a driver can easily reach 120mph.

If your ankle is broken would it hurt and burn?

It would probably hurt more than it would burn.

Which gun are better for defensive bb or paintball?

Paint balls. the hurt way more, and the paint its self can do some damage too

What paint balls hurt the least?

There are no brands that hurt less then others. However, paintballs tend to harden up as they age. A hard older paintball is less "squishy" than a fresh new one and will hurt more when it hits.

Does clear coating affect the value of an autographed baseball?

No CoatingYes especially with newer baseballs. It will hurt the value of the signature. Years ago it was a common practice to shellac the baseball to protect the signatures. This practice stopped when it was realized that the balls would turn yellow, crack, and peal off. With some of the earliest signed baseballs, the value is not hurt as much as with newer balls because the autographs are more rare, and it was common.

Can hitting with flat balls hurt your tennis strings?

Hitting with flat tennis balls doesn't necessarily hurt your strings all that much, but it definitely hurts your game. They can hurt your strings a little if you are using all of your might to swing into the tennis ball, and because it is flat the ball will flatten out over the strings and cause more areas of the string to become weaker.

How do you build a snowman with 4 balls?

You just stack them ontop of eachother, except more carefully that it would with 3 balls