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Q: Which writing instrument is named after the person who invented it?
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What writing instrument named after person?

The ballpoint pen, also known as the Biro pen, was named after its inventor, Laszlo Biro, a Hungarian-Argentinian journalist.

Why was the Stevenson screen named after Thomas Stevenson?

he invented the instrument

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He invented the braille writing system, and that is named 'Braille' after him.

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the person who invented was a person named sioeli kaufusi

Who name the saxophone?

Aldophe Sax, a Belgian instrument designer. Sax invented this instrument, so it is only fitting that it was named after him.

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The person that invented the first mouse was named Doug Engelbart.

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What is braille named after?

Braille is named after its French inventor, Louis Braille, who developed the system of raised dots for tactile reading and writing for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Where were the snare drums invented?

it was found in europe medieval in 1300 it was named after a instrument called tobar

Why is evelyn so pretty?

because she just is, and the person that is writing this answer is named evelyn, why do you think she wrote this! because she just is, and the person that is writing this answer is named evelyn, why do you think she wrote this!

Who invented linoleum?

The person who invented linoleum in 1855 was a man named Frederick Walton. He is also the person who invented Lincrusta in 1877.

Who is the hurkey named after?

Lawrence Herkimere. He is the person who invented the herkie jump. He named it after himself.