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Q: Which years in the 1970s did Punxsutawney Phil not see his shadow on Groundhog Day?
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When last time the groundhog didn't see his shadow?

No. Groundhog Day 2011 took place during a record breaking cold weather. However, contrary to the weather, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow and predicted an early spring during the year of the "Groundhog Day" storm of 2011.

What is the beavers name on groundhog day?

Punxsutawney Phil. Punxsutawney is the city in Pennsylvania where the groundhog resides.

What is Groundhog Day?

According to Groundhog Day folklore, if the groundhog emerges from his burrow and sees his shadow, winter will last another six weeks. If the groundhog does not see his shadow, then spring will arrive early.

Punxsutawney Phil how many time has Phil seen his shadow in the past ten years?

answer the stupid question its for tomorrow

What state does Punxsutawney Phil live in?

Phil spends his days in a nice little habitat at the Punxsutawney Library. (Cute, but unfortunately, Phil doesn't know how to read &, having exhausted all the picture books in the Children's Section, hasn't gone to the library in years!) Seriously now: Punxsutawney Phil resides in (his poshly decorated, by groundhog standards) GOBBLER'S HOLE in Punxsutawney, PA.

How did Groundhog day originate?

Around the fifth century, the European Celts believed that animals had supernatural powers at certain times of the year. Folklore from Europe indicated that animals, such as bears and groundhogs, if they came out of hibernation too early; would be frightened by their shadow and retreat back inside for four to six weeks.

How long has Punxsutawney Phil been around?

Punxsutawney Phil has been making his predictions for about 125 years

How old is Punxsutawney Phil?

The fictional "birth year" of Punxsutawney Phil is 1887, born in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. In reality, the adult woodchuck currently filling the role of Phil is about 3 or 4 years old. Groundhogs live about 6 years in the wild. Photos of the previous Phils show obvious differences between the individuals.

How old is the groundhog?

4 years old 4 years old

How old is the official groundhog?

4 years old 4 years old

What does in the late 1970s mean?

The late 1970s refers to the years in the latter half of the decade between 1970 and 1979. So the late 1970s will be the years 1976 to 1979.

Does leap years have something to do with groundhog day?

No, it is a separate celebration.