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Go to the doctor because your infected.

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Q: White discharge coming from your penis and cloudy pee?
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If it hurts when you urinate and you have a white discharge coming from your penis what does this mean?

if it burns during passing urine then may be urinary tract infection and you need to consult doctor or take alot of water first and white discharge coming from penis is normal.Just go to the doctor. You have a urinary tract infection or possibly an STD .

What does chlamydia discharge look like?

In women, the discharge often has a green color, but women with gonorrhea may not notice any unusual discharge. Men may have a yellow or green discharge from the penis.In men, a white, yellow, or green discharge from the penis that usually appears 1 to 14 days after infection. Sometimes men with gonorrhea get painful or swollen testicles. This disease is sometimes called "clap" because men would "clap" their penis to remove the discharge.In women, increased vaginal discharge, or vaginal bleeding between periods is seen. It is a cloudy discharge.It may be green or yellow, or a woman may have no change in discharge. If you're at risk, get tested.

Today a dog groomer informed me that she noticed a white milky discharge from my dog's penis. Is this symtematic of something serious?

it is normal stop the licking and the infection, and the discharge will go away.

What causes an orange color discharge from the penis as it looks on a white towel?

Dude sir, you ve got a weird bloody penis. Orange? What happens when it discharges on a pink towel? Do you get brown? If so, you might just have found that epithelial cells are actually colourless and form a discharge electrostatic bridge with white towels. Seriously, what exactly can you possibly be asking?

What is this white residue coming out of your penis?

It is a disease called Peyronieis disease. You can look it up for more information.

Your husband has a white discharge coming out of his penis also he is not circumcized is it possible for the forskin to tear?

That sounds like an infection of some sort seek medical advice. maybe if it is swollen an inflamed once again seek medical advice before using the thing again.

You notice a white discharge from a dogs penis and the vet said said it was Smegma nothing to worry about is this true?

It might be sperm. Just like ejaculating.

I had a UTI a few months back and i got Medication it went away but now i have a goat cheese looking discharge and an occasional smell could it be a UTI again or a yeast infection or other?

It depends on where the discharge is coming from. If you are male and the discharge is coming from your penis I would venture to guess you have a UTI and quite probably a kidney infection. If you are female and the discharge is coming from your meatus (where urine comes out)...then again, I'd say chances are high that you have another UTI or probably a kidney infection. If the discharge is from your vagina then it most likely is yeast. Either way, you should see a doctor immediately.

Why do you have brown and white colored sperm residue?

I don't know I'm a girl why are you asking me?!? just kidding it's just discharge that your penis has built up.

Your dog has sticky white stuff coming from the end of his penis how long will it last?

it will probably last for a couple of days or hours

Why is pus coming from my dog's penis?

Not that I know but I think your dog is eating leaves or grass. something it doesn't need to.

What causes Green Discharge from your Penis?

A green discharge is a sign of a bacterial STD. Go to the doctor and get it taken care of.