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He essentially abandoned his family financially.

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Whitman did not conform to traditional poetic forms, using free verse and unconventional structures.

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Q: Whitman broke literary and social conventions Which of the following is not something Whitman did?
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Whitman broke literary and social conventions?

ok this is apex! He essentially abandoned his family financially.

The American poets Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were part of which literary school?

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson were part of the American literary movement known as transcendentalism. Whitman’s writing celebrates individualism and the importance of nature, while Dickinson’s work often explores themes of life, death, and spirituality.

What has the author William B Whitman written?

William B. Whitman has written: 'Washington, D.C. Off the Beaten Path, 3rd' 'Literary cities of Italy' -- subject(s): Guidebooks, Homes and haunts, In literature, Intellectual life, Italian Authors, Literary landmarks 'Washington, D.C. Off the Beaten Path, 2nd'

Whitman died in 1892 He was reguarded as an accomplished?

Whitman, an accomplished and influential American poet, passed away in 1892. His groundbreaking work, "Leaves of Grass," is considered a cornerstone of American literature, celebrating democracy, individualism, and the beauty of the everyday. Whitman's innovative style and themes left a lasting impact on the literary world.

What was Walt Whitman's impact on Literature?

Walt Whitman is known as one of the most influential American poets. His work revolutionized poetry by breaking traditional forms and exploring themes of democracy, nature, and the human experience. Whitman's free verse style and innovative use of language have inspired generations of writers and readers.

By leaving a crowded lecture hall and walking off on his own to be with his thoughts Whitman's speaker in When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer displays an attitude characteristic of an?

literary Romantic

Where can I find an analysis of Walt Whitman's poem To You whoever you are I fear you are walking the walks of dreams?

You can find analyses of Walt Whitman's poem "To You" in literary journals, academic books on Whitman's poetry, and online resources such as poetry databases or university websites. Many scholars have written about the themes, structure, and significance of this particular poem, providing valuable insights for your study.

What was Walt Whitman life like?

Walt Whitman, a prominent American poet, lived a largely unconventional and individualistic life. He worked as a journalist, volunteered as a nurse during the Civil War, and continued to evolve his poetic style throughout his lifetime. Whitman embraced themes of democracy, nature, and the human experience in his poetry, challenging traditional literary norms.

By comparing his soul favorably to something in nature Whitmans speaker in A Noiseless Patient Spider displays an attitude characteristic of a?

Whitman's speaker in "A Noiseless Patient Spider" displays a transcendentalist attitude, characteristically valuing the connection between the soul and nature. By comparing his soul favorably to the spider's delicate web-building efforts, Whitman emphasizes the beauty and significance of individual spiritual exploration and growth within the larger natural world.

How to get a critical analysis of Whitman's poem Give me the Splendid silent sun?

To get a critical analysis of Whitman's poem "Give me the Splendid silent sun," consider reading academic articles or books by literary scholars specializing in Whitman's work. Look for interpretations that delve into the poem's themes, imagery, and linguistic techniques. Analyzing the historical context in which the poem was written can also provide valuable insights into its meaning and significance within Whitman's body of work.

Was Writers such as Emerson Thoreau Poe Douglass Melville Dickinson Whitman and Stowe helped spark a literary renaissance that helped American writing to achieve its first maturity.?

Yes, writers such as Emerson, Thoreau, Poe, Douglass, Melville, Dickinson, Whitman, and Stowe are considered key figures in the American literary renaissance of the 19th century. Their works not only reflected the cultural and social changes of the time but also contributed to the development of a uniquely American literary voice, marking a significant step towards the maturity of American literature.

What elements is characteristics of literary romanticism in Whitman's poem A Noiseless Patient Spider?

How the speaker tries to find clues to live his or her own life in nature, and enjoys observing nature.