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Blondes, bcuz in my school, 7/8 are smarter and are in the aims classes

Well, like they say, "Gentlemen prefer blondes," and blondes seem to get a lot of attention.

Blonde, or blonde highlights, is also the number 1 haircolor requested in the salon.

i agree too cuz i just dyed me hair blonde about a week ago.

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12y ago

I question the intelligence of people who think brunettes are smarter or in any way better than blondes. We are ALL equal, I myself am a brunette and I can quite obviously see haircolour does not affect someones intelligence. It shouldn't take a genius to figure this out either. It is nothing other than a stereotype people should ignore. I know blondes are just as intelligent as brunettes because my best friend is blonde. She is always at the top of her class in academic courses and on her way to university. Her grades are outstanding. I happen to know many other very smart blondes. Just as many as brunettes, maybe more because they go the extra mile to prove their not stupid. Most apparent dumb blondes nowadays, are infact unnaturally blonde, so what does this tell you? artificial blond hair does not make you dumb. So this says a lot because they may have blonde hair and be interpreted as stupid but how is this rumor true if the hair color behind the dye is BRUNETTE, black, red and all the colors of the rainbow. Who is really stupid? By hiding behind the cover of blonde hair and using this as an opportunity to depict what is seen as dense behavior and the norm for blondes. Honestly don't judge someone for their appearance because it's offense and prejudice. Also alot of "dumb" blondes act dumb because they think thats whats expexted of them. They are portrayed negatively in society, through rumors, blogs, and television shows. Although i know most people have enough common sense to realize hair-color is inconsequential this is for the people who have yet to discover this outstanding revelation (note sarcasm) .Goodbye I hope this answers your question. Haircolour is not a key factor of intelligence.

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Are there more blondes or brunettes in the world?

Blonde is a recessive trait. There are more brunettes.

Why do brunettes nag blondes?

Usually it is because the brunettes are jealous of the blondes' hair. They can also be hurt because of their personal hair color. Blond hair is the more popular hair color, and brunettes are usually outcasted. That's why they nag blondes.

Blonds or brunettes?

Blondes-Meaghan, Caitlyn, Tula, Ella, and Lisa Brunettes-MeMe, Hennah, Lizzie, and John (I guess blondes are more fun)

If blondes are dumb what are brunettes?

if blondes are dumb, brunettes are intelligent+alsoBEAUTIFUL. i dont really like stereotypes tbh anyway lolz xx

Does Leo Howard from Kickin It prefer blondes or brunettes?

He likes brunettes better than blondes according to the fan pop web sight.

Who has more hair blondes or brunettes?

Blondes has more hair then brunettes because is the cuticles is alot thinner then brunettes. But brunettes always look more hair because the darker hair always look alot thicker.Blondes.

Why do men like blondes more than brunettes?

There is no evidence to say that men prefer blondes more than brunettes. It is a matter of personal preference.