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Q: Who Preached about reforming the church Geneva became the center of the religion?
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Who preached about reforming the church Geneva became the centre of the calvinist religon?

john calven

Who preached about reforming the church Genava became the center of the Calvinist religion?

John Calvin CALVIN, thus, CALVINists

Where did John Calvin live?

He spend his days in a lot of places, but he died in Genva where he lived and preached for a long time. He preached Calvinism to the people and it became the major religion.

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The church in Geneva founded by John Calvin is called the "Reformed Church of Geneva" or the "Geneva Academy." It became a prominent center for the Protestant Reformation and exerted significant influence on Reformed theology and practice.

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What city during the 16th century became haven for over 6000 Protestants?

Geneva in Switzerland became a haven for over 6000 Protestants during the 16th century. Led by John Calvin, the city became known for its focus on Protestantism and religious reform, attracting many religious refugees seeking a safe haven from persecution in other regions of Europe.

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