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Q: Who aided Odysseus in the battle of suitors?
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How does Odysseus persuade his Telemachus that they can win the fight against the suitors?

Odysseus persuades Telemachus by revealing his true identity, proving he is still alive and capable of taking down the suitors. He reassures Telemachus that they have the gods on their side and that together, father and son, they can overcome the suitors' tyranny and restore justice to their home.

To enlist the aid of the swineherd and cowherd in his battle with the suitors Odysseus did what?


What is the outcome of the battle between Odysseus and the suitors?

He slayed every last one of them.

How does Telemachus' departure from Sparta parallel Odysseus' departure from Phaeacia?

Both Telemachus and Odysseus depart from their hosts' homes with guidance and gifts from their hosts - Mentor in Sparta and Alcinous in Phaeacia, respectively. They both set out on journeys that are pivotal in their personal growth and quests to reclaim their throne and reunite with their family. The departures mark significant transitions in their journeys towards fulfilling their destinies.

How does Odysseus prove his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd?

Odysseus proves his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd by revealing a scar on his thigh, which was inflicted by a boar when he was young. This scar is a unique and personal detail that only Odysseus would know about, confirming his true identity to the cowherd and the swineherd.

What does the leader of the suitors do to Odysseus?

The leader of the suitors, Antinous, along with the other suitors, conspires to kill Odysseus upon his return to Ithaca. They disrespect him, mock him, and try to take over his kingdom in his absence. Ultimately, Odysseus defeats them in a final showdown.

What does the leader of the suitors do to Odysseus?

He challenges Odysseus and of course Odysseus wins and later he kills the leader of the suitors.

What does Athena do during the battle with the suitors?

Athena first takes the form of Mentor. When Odysseus calls to her for help, she berates him for being so weak and needing to call on the gods for help. She takes the form of a swallow and watches the battle from the rafters. When the suitors throw their spears at Odysseus and his men, she makes the spears mostly miss. Further, she helps guides Odysseus and his men's spears into the suitors. Finally, Athena holds up her Aegis, making the suitors cower and despair as Odysseus and his men slaughter them.

Who fights on Odysseus's side during the battle with the suitors?

His son, Telemachus, his faithful servant Eumaeus, and the cowherd fight along Odysseus' side.

How does Odysseus get rid of the suitors?

Odysseus, his son, and the loyal staff kill all the suitors.

WHERE does Odysseus fight off the suitors?

Odysseus kills the suitors in the Great Hall in his palace.

What do the suitors do after Odysseus kills Antinous?

The suitors, still not realizing that this is Odysseus, threaten to kill Odysseus, thinking the murder was a mistake.