

Who are Egypt's rulers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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  1. they were called pharaohs
  2. how were they chosen
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Q: Who are Egypt's rulers?
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Pharoahs were the rulers of ancient Egypt.

Who were Egypts rulers?

there were many gods, goddesses, and pharaohs that we can't name them all but ask your teacher for a website to help you

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In Ancient Egypt, the rulers had more authority than most rulers have today for a variety of reasons. The most important reason, however, is this quite simple one: the Egyptian rulers were considered to be divine; that is, they were considered to be some kind of god (or goddess), and thus they occupied a much higher position in life than the rest of the Egyptians, who were "mere" mortals.

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the nile!

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Egypts infant mortality rate is 18.2 per 1,000 live births.

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egypts important people were ........ now to the important stuff (.y.) n 8---- lol