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The parents of Dionysus are Zeus and Semele.All of the Olympians are four elder gods and immortal children of Zeus.At least,SOME of his immortal children.He's an Olympian.

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Zeus and Semele.

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Q: Who are dionysus parents?
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who were dionysus's parents

What were Dionysus's parents names?

Zeus and Semele.

Who are the God Dionysus parents?

The parents of Dionysus are Simele (a mortal women-Mother) and Zeus (king of the gods-Father). Dionysus was born out of Zeus thigh. He is the god of wine. Dionysus was almost always on earth partying. Hestia gave up her throne on Olympus for him. She is always very kind.

Who were the parents of dionysus?

Zeus and a mortal named Semele.

What kids did Semele have with Dionysus?

none semele and zeus were his parents and semele died when dionysus was in her so zeus took him out and put him in his thigh.

Who is the Greek god Hermes parents?

Zeus and Maia, or Dionysus and Aphrodite.

Who are the parents of the Greek god Dionysus?

Semele is said to be the mother and Zeus is said to be the father since he sewed Dionysus into his thigh until he was ready to be born

What was dionysus's parents?

The father of Dionysus is usually acknowledged as Zeus; however his mother is usually the mortal Semele who became the goddess Thyone; Selene the Moon, or Dione.

What was dionysus parents name?

The father of Dionysus is usually acknowledged as Zeus; however his mother is usually the mortal Semele who became the goddess Thyone; Selene the Moon, or Dione.

Who were the graces parents in the greek myths?

Aphrodite and Dionysus or more popularly, Zeus and Eurynome.

What was Apollo greek god parents name?

Usually the parents of Apollo are said to be the immortals Zeus and Leto. Sometimes he is the son of Dionysus and Isis, or others.

Did dionysus have any brothers sisters parents or children?

Yes. The parents of Dionysus are usually told to be Zeus and Semele; he was the only child of that union, but he did have brothers and sisters from Zeus, including the most well known Olympians Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, and sometimes Aphrodite. His wife was Ariadne and his children by her as Oenopion, Thoas, Staphylus, Latromis, Euanthes, and Tauropolis. Dionysus had other children and lovers.