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Bill Nye the Science Guy and Vitcor Otto

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Q: Who are famous people who have had tay sachs?
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who are famous people who have tay-sachs disease?

No celebrity has this disease

Who is a famous person with Tay Sachs disease?

Tay Sachs is always fatal in children. Every kid who suffers from this horrible disease is famous. What a stupid question.

Does Tay-Sachs disease have single cells or multiple alleles?

Multiple mutations are responsible for Tay Sachs Disease. For example, Tay Sachs in the french Canadian population may be due to a different mutation then people of eastern European Jewish descent with Tay Sachs. any mutation that causes the absence of the enzyme Hexosamindase (Hex-A) is a mutation that can cause a Tay Sachs genotype/phenotype within an individual

What are facts about tay-sachs?

It was named after doctors Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs.

Tay-Sachs disease is a human?

Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic disorder.

What effect does Tay Sachs disease have on the body?

what effect does Tay-sachs disease have on the body?

How often does Tay-Sachs disease occur?

The defective gene that causes Tay-Sachs disease is found in roughly 1 in 250 people in the general population.

Can a person with the Tay-Sachs disease live a healthy life?

A person with tay sachs can live a healthy life but still battles the many limitations of Tay sachs disease. Depending on the type of tay sachs, Classic, Juvenile onset, and Late Onset depends how healthy a life a person with tay sachs disease.

Is there any way to prevent tay sachs?

There are a couple ways Tay-Sachs can be prevented; 1) determine if both you and your mate carry the Tay-Sachs gene 2) perform a prenatal diagnosis to determine if the fetus carries the Tay-Sachs gene Hope this helped!

Who are famous people who has had tay sachs?

There are probably not any movie stars who have ever had Tay-Sachs disease.Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is an incurable disease with three classifications: infantile, juvenile, and adult. However, most people with TSD have the infantile form and are diagnosed at a young age. Babies diagnosed with TSD usually die by the age of 5. As such, it is very unlikely that anyone suffering from TSD would live long enough to become a movie star.Even if someone lived out his or her childhood and later developed the juvenile or adult form of Tay-Sachs disease, he or she would suffer the symptoms of TSD including seizures, loss of motor skills, loss of sight, and loss of hearing. Sadly but truly, anyone with these symptoms would probably not be hired as a movie star.

Is tay-sachs a sex-linked disease?

There is no evidence that shows that tay-sachs is a sex-linked trait.

Is tay sachs disease sex-linked?

There is no evidence that shows that tay-sachs is a sex-linked trait.