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Such a person is a mercenary.

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Q: Who are hired to serve in the army of another nation are called?
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What are men called who are hired to serve in the army of another nation?


Which president hired someone to serve in his place in the draft?

President Grover Cleveland had been a draft dodger and he hired someone to serve in his place - it was legal to do so back then.

What are the five duties of citizenship?

Obey laws Pay taxes Serve in the armed forces if called Serve on a jury or as a witness in court Defend our nation

How citizen should serve their nation?

Serve your communitty and vote for local and national official. A nation can serve you if you don't vote on what you want done.

How doctors serve the nation?

Doctor serve the nation best bcoz they treaten the ill people which is very necessary.

The practice of capturing sailors and forcing them to serve on a ship from another country is called .?


Why is the Philippines called a nation of servants?

the Philippines is called the nation of servant because Filipinos are born to serve... its in the heart of the Filipinos(service is the Filipino's passion)well! i have been watch the documentary of probe team and i can say that; Philippines a unique nation for having a great history of craftsmanship and own religious aspects.

Was Franklin Pierce hired by Abe to serve in the civil war?

No. In fact, Pierce was opposed to the war.

What are hired soldiers who serve in a foreign army the hessians used in the revoutionary war by British?

the british

What nation did Francisco Pizarro serve?

That would be Spain.

What was another English document that helped serve as a forerunner to the us constitution and bill of rights called?

the magnacarter

What was the samurai jobs?

to serve the shoguns that hired them and protect and expand their employers land or property