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Pharaoh's were the rulers of ancient Egypt. There were either one or two Pharaohs in Egypt. * Lower Egypt- Wore a red crown. Area between Memphis and nothwards towards the Nile Delta. * Upper Egypt- Wore a white crown. Area between Memphis and southwards to Thebes. * Upper and Lower Egypt- Wore both the red and white crown. Covered all of Egypt. The Pharaohs decided what they wanted to have built such as pyramids or temples. They chose how they cared for their people and their slaves.

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Pharaohs were gods on earth and their role was to rule Egypt into glory. the son of the pharaoh became pharaoh after his father died.

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In Mesopotamia, kings were considered to be representatives of the gods. To the Egyptians pharaohs were gods on earth.

What did pharaohs did in their free time?

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