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Wade Davis is the most famous.

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Q: Who are some famous Ethnobotanist?
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Is ethnobotanist James Wong gay?

'This question has no bearing on his qualifications and expertise as an ethnobotanist.' That wasn't the question.

What type of science does an ethnobotanist specialize in?

relationships between people and plants

Does an ethnobotanist study life or earth or physical science?

The best way to explain an Ethnobotanist's studies is to break down what the word actually means. Ethno being the study of ethics, and botan, (or botany) as the study of plants, so the best description for an ethnobotanist would be someone who studies the ethicical uses of plants in different cultures across the world. some examples would be an anthropologist who studies different societies that use Ayauaska for spiritual experiences.

What does an ethnobotanist study?

studies the local culture and how it uses plants to heal sickness

A scientist who is interested in studying the uses of plants by native peoples is known as a?

An ethnobotanist. Ethnobotanists study how different cultures use plants for food, medicine, and other purposes, often focusing on indigenous knowledge and traditional practices.

Is ethnobotanist classified in life Earth or physical science?

I think that would be human geography?

What branch of science does ethnobotanist specialize?

Ethnobotonists study the relationships that exist between people and plants.

What is Terence McKenna most famous for?

Terence McKenna was an American philosopher and ethnobotanist, famous for his vast knowledge. Maybe the one thing that made him the most famous is his theory of the human evolution. According to him, the human's early transformation from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens happened mainly thanks to the addition of the mushroom Psilocybe cubensis in his diet. The mushroom is thought to have had a positive impact on the species' vision.

What actors and actresses appeared in Recompense - 2007?

The cast of Recompense - 2007 includes: Niyi Laguda as Ethnobotanist Alex Lotz as Fellow Man

What is the difference between botany and botanist?

a biologist specializing in the study of plants

An ethnobotanist is a scientist who?

Ethnobotanists study plants and their applications, forsome economic, medicinal or other benefits to communities. They serve as consultants in traditional medicine and in cultural and environmental impact studies.

Where there any famous people in the war?

There have been famous people in all wars. Some were famous beforehand, some became famous because of the wars and some became famous afterwards.